Thursday, August 21, 2008


Help! I have a dilema. Brad and I cannot decide on a name for the baby if it's a boy. We'll find out the sex of the baby Sept. 4th so we have a few weeks, but we need your help. You'll find a poll with our favorites to the right. So pick your 2 favorite names. Unfortunatley, you don't get the chance to vote for a girl name, we've had one ever since I was pregnant with Brent and obviously we haven't been able to use it yet.
So make your voice heard and help us out. Thanks!


Unknown said...

I ***LOVE*** the name Rylan. I've had it picked out since I had a student with that name in a student teaching class 10 years ago. Unfortunately I'll probably never get to use it since Shane doesn't like it. There are some other adorable ones on the list, including 2 of my nephews names. Congrats on the baby!

Michelle Campbell said...

I've always loved the name Aiden! I tried to get Clint to let me name Carson that, but he says it's too close to Kayden (his brother)! Crazy!! So my vote is defenitely for Aiden, even though you guys have great taste. I like all of them!

Suzie said...

Well, Wesley was going to be a Dallon, but he didn't look like one so he got to be Wesley. However Dallon Cook sounds good, I think Riley Cook soungs good to, so good luck. To me Riley seems that it would blend in well with the rest of the kids names! We love you guys good luck.

dallon said...

my name is dallon cook and i'm here to plead that you not go with dallon, because it's my name. think of something else or spell it differently.